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Please select the terms of service you want to know about

Registration Agreement

Please be sure to carefully read and fully understand the contents of each clause, especially the clauses that exempt or reduce our liability, jurisdiction and legal application clauses, and separate agreements for activating or using a certain service.

Unless you have read and accepted all the terms of this agreement, you have no right to useservice provided. you useServices are deemed to have read and agreed to be bound by this Agreement.

User registration

When you agree to this agreement and register successfully, you will become a registered user of this product until your account is canceled (registration here includes but is not limited to users who are authorized to log in to this product through a third-party platform account). This product may make changes to the terms of this agreement when necessary, and such changes will take effect after they are published on the official website of this product. You can choose to stop using the related services of this product or cancel your account in this product, otherwise we will assume that you agree to the changed terms of service.

User Account

You should have full capacity for civil rights and full capacity for civil conduct recognized by the laws of the People's Republic of China, otherwise you and other entities who can exercise rights or assume responsibilities on your behalf will bear all consequences. To do this, you should provide appropriate proof. If you are a natural person, such proof can be your resident identity document or individual business license. If you are a legal entity, such proof can be your business license. If you are a different organization type, you should provide corresponding legal certificates.

You should protect your account. Unless we have received advance notice from you, we will consider your account to be under your control. If your account is at risk or has suffered losses without your control, please notify this product in a timely and effective manner. You can request this product to suspend services or freeze your account.

Account management

The ownership of this product's account belongs to this product. After the user completes the application registration procedure, he or she will obtain the right to use this product's account. This right to use belongs only to the initial applicant and registrant and is prohibited from gifting, borrowing, renting, transferring or selling. Due to business needs, this product has the right to reclaim the user's account of this product.

Users can change or delete personal information, registration information, transmission content, etc. on this product account, but please note that deleting relevant information will also delete the text and images stored in the system. Users bear this risk.

Users are responsible for properly keeping the security of their registered account information and account passwords. Failure to do so may result in account theft or password theft, and the user shall be solely responsible for this. Users need to bear legal responsibility for their actions under their registered account and password. User agrees not to use another user’s account or password under any circumstances. When the user suspects that someone else is using his or her account or password, the user agrees to notify the product immediately.

Users should abide by the terms of this agreement and use this service correctly and appropriately. If the user violates any terms of this agreement, this product has the right to interrupt or terminate the provision of services to the defaulting user's account after notifying the user in accordance with the agreement. . At the same time, this product reserves the right to withdraw this product's account and user name at any time.

If the user does not log in for one year after registering an account for this product, the product can take back the account after notifying the user to avoid wasting resources, and the user will be responsible for any adverse consequences.

User Responsibilities

Users must comply with all applicable national laws, local regulations and international guidelines when using this product. The user is fully responsible for all operations and comments made on the user account. After the user cancels the account, he shall still be responsible for the operations and comments before cancellation.

Users must promise not to transmit any illegal, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene and other information. Users are also prohibited from transmitting any material that instigates others to commit criminal acts. You are not allowed to perform any operations that may have any adverse effects on the system of this product, and you are not allowed to transmit information that promotes domestic adverse conditions and involves national security. No data may be transmitted that does not comply with local regulations, national laws and international guidelines. Unauthorized entry into other computer systems is prohibited. If the user's behavior does not comply with the above-mentioned terms of service, we have the right to freeze or cancel the user's account unilaterally. Users need to bear legal responsibility for their own online behavior. If a user disseminates and disseminates reactionary, pornographic or other information that violates national laws on this product, the system records of this product may be used as evidence that the user violates the law.


This product does not guarantee that the services it provides will be uninterrupted, timely or error-free. We do not verify the user's true identity. Unless explicitly required by valid legal instruments and providing corresponding protection, we will abide by the privacy policy and will not provide user information to the outside world. We will not be held responsible if we are unable to provide various services as agreed due to the following circumstances, including but not limited to:

(1) Vacation or system maintenance announced by this product.

(2) Telecommunication equipment fails and data transmission cannot be carried out.

(3) This product is unable to provide services due to force majeure factors such as typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, power outages, wars, and terrorist attacks.

(4) Service interruption or delay caused by hacker attacks, technical adjustments or failures of the telecommunications department, website upgrades, banking problems, etc.

Intellectual Property Protection

Users may not apply for trademarks, service marks, domain names, copyrights, etc. that are identical or similar to the names, logos, brands, distinctive signs, and domain names of this product and its services in any country and region around the world without authorization. Users are not allowed to use, copy, modify, adapt, translate, assemble, reprint, or distribute all contents of this product without authorization, including but not limited to written works, picture works, photography works, schematic diagrams, website structure, website screen arrangement, and web page design.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

This agreement and other individual service agreements shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If some terms of the agreement are invalid, other terms and agreements that are not affected will still be valid. For disputes arising from this agreement and other individual service agreements, the Changping District People's Court of Beijing shall be the competent court.

other conditions

If any provision of this Agreement is wholly or partially invalid or unenforceable for any reason, or violates any applicable law, then that provision will be deemed to be deleted, but the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain valid and binding. .

We have the right to modify the contents of this Agreement at any time based on changes in relevant laws and regulations, as well as adjustments to the company's operating conditions and business strategies. When relevant disputes arise, the latest agreement shall prevail. If you do not agree with the changed content, the user can delete the product by himself. If the user continues to use this product, it will be deemed to have accepted the changes to this agreement.

We have the right to interpret and modify this Agreement to the maximum extent permitted by law.